I will remove malware, virus from any type of websites

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Many websites are being hacked everyday, faced with malicious codes which forwards visitors to another site and or causes your website to be blacklisted by Google.


The good news is, I can clean malware from ANY TYPE OF WEBSITE.


I will find and remove any malware from your site, provide a scan to show the site is clean, provide a backup of the clean site and re-submit your site to Google for review (if it has been blacklisted)


I can remove Malware from Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, PHPBB, etc.


I can also provide a site monitoring add-on so I will monitor your site and remove malware for 1 year.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

1 Order = 1 Website/Sub-Domain/Add on Domain/Directory 


Why Hire Me?

·        I can clean any type of infected websites.

·        Fixed Hacked websites

·        14 Years Professional Experience 

·        Malware Service at Lowest Cost

·        Full Support and Consultancy.

·        Faster Turn Around 


Order now to get started

What will you get?

I will find and remove any malware from your site, provide a scan (PDF or JPEG) to show the site is clean.

Price: $70.00